Elder Davis and I had a good week this week. We got a lot of new missionaries in our Zone and it has been fun getting to know them. It is awesome to see the new missionaries and to see how much you learn and grow through the whole missionary experience and to see the awesome new spirit about them. It makes me want to be better. This week we had Stake Conference. It was really good. A member from the Quorum of the Seventy came, his name was Elder Southward. The Stake President talked a lot about missionary work and the youth. He talked about dating and how younger people who aren't getting married anytime soon who are planning on going on missions should not be singling off in boyfriend/girlfriend situations(Bailee, Kolton, and Luke)
. When Elder Southward closed his talk he testified of Jesus Christ and that was one of the most powerful testimonies I have witnessed. I know that he is a special witness of Jesus Christ as well as the other General Authorities.
We were able to teach Hunter Pentecost this past week and he is doing good and excited to be confirmed this coming Sunday. We were also able to teach Claire Mercury this Saturday. She is awesome, she read the Restoration Pamphlet that we left with her last time, but she didn't read from the Book of Mormon, so we read from the Book of Mormon with her in Mosiah Chapter 3. That chapter is a wonderful explanation of the Savior and his Sacrifice. I love how the Angel described everything to King Bengamin After we read that we asked her a few questions about it and committed her to read the rest of that chapter. After the lesson she decided to give us more food. She proceeded to give us a bunch of Junk Food that I have been getting fat on the past few days.
We also were able to teach a guy named James Baal this week. He is in his 50's and has white hair. He attends the Church of Christ and is very committed to his church. He is well versed in the scriptures, so it is fun to teach him and see his point of view without having a modern day prophet. We also read from the Book of Mormon with him in Mosiah Chapter 3 and it went really well. We also showed him 2 Nephi 25:26 to help him understand that the Book of Mormon is simply another testament of Jesus Christ.
We taught Kenneth and he is at a stopping point almost. He hasn't read from the Book of Mormon. We taught him about the importance of the Book of Mormon and tried to resolve his concerns. We read from 1 Nephi 11 and commited him to read and pray daily so we will see if that helped in our next visit. He is very hard to understand with his Trinidadian accent, but somehow it all works out.
We taught Quinceton the Plan of Salvation. It went really well. His mom told us that she wants to wait to have him baptized until they go to California so that his family can be there. Ultimately it is there decision, but the Bishop said he is going to work on her and try to get him baptized as soon as possible. It was a good lesson though he understood all of it and he was really easy to teach.
We were not able to get in with Lambris this week. He has been kind of pushing us off we think. It might just be that he is busy, but we will let yall know what goes down.
Alright now is time for the miracle of the week. So, all through the week until Saturday night we were only able to find one new investigator to teach. And, on Sunday Elder Davis fasted that we would find 5 new investigator as I fasted that that everything would work out with Quinceton. By 8:00 pm we had not found a single new person to teach. We decided to follow the spirit as Elder Davis was driving. Elder Davis was reminded of a person he and his former companion had tried once when they first got together a long time ago. We went by and knocked on the door. We talked to him and asked if we could share our message with him and his family. He said that he would go ask his wife. We waited on the doorstep thinking that he was going to come out like every other person and say that his wife said no. He opened the door and said come in. It was an awesome lesson as we were able to teach them and their 3 boys. We have to give them up to the Hermanas because they speak Spanish, but the Lord lead us to someone who was ready to receive our message at that exact time.
I Love all y'all and hope y'all have a great week getting ready to move!
Elder Willden
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