Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Elder Poteki and I had a good week this week as we were able to go to MLC and to have Zone Meeting on Friday.  This Zone Meeting we decided to focus on the missionaries.  We made it all about them.  We had each missionary go up and share why they came out, why they are still out, and what they want to accomplish on their mission.  We also asked a random funny question for each missionary at the start.  It was great!  It was like a big testimony meeting.  We weren't able to teach Jeremy yet again this past week so we are going to stop by their house sometime this week and see whats up.  We were able to teach Brother Duncon and it was awesome!  We were able to figure out that he is just mad at God and that is why he won't pray.  He is reading the Book of Mormon a lot though.  He is half way through Alma.  He plans on reading Doctrine and Covenants as well as the Pearl of Great Price.  We taught him about Joseph Smith and the experiences he went through.  It was an awesome lesson!  We talked about all of the trials Joseph Smith faced and how he continued to remain faithful to what he knew was true.  And then we read in D&C 121 with Joseph Smiths prayer of despair and need in the Jail and the answer to his prayer.  The spirit was most definitely there.  We will continue to work with him and he will pray eventually I know he will.  
  I am pretty sure I have written about Martha.  Martha is doing great right now!  We are planning on inviting them to a baptismal date this week.  They are doing good at the moment.  Martha had to go to the hospital this past week, she had a very small stroke, but she is doing okay now. 
  Jamie and Andy weren't able to come to church this sunday because Andy has a toothache and they were almost out of gas with two really bad tires.  Please pray for them as they are struggling at the moment.  We haven't heard anything from Salt Lake yet on Andy's baptism so I will let y'all know once we got some info.  
  Love y'all and hope y'all have a good week!
Elder Willden

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